Skippy Responds: What Is Less Important Than Dogs? You.

Read the full story from Neil here: Looks like Neil got himself a big does of that Fort Collins community. I can feel Neil’s pain but what needs to be addressed here is all of Neil’s mistakes and his denial of reality. I’m not doing this to insult or make fun of Neil. I’m doing it so that others may learn from his mistakes. It also would have been helpful if Neil had consulted an asshole early in the … Continue reading →

Robyn’s Rant: Dogs, Disabilities and Deplorable Neighbors

This week I bring you something a little different: Sometimes Skippy and I go through dry spells here at Ask Us where the people of Fort Collins just aren’t writing in. Then sometimes we get a lot of people writing in, but not really writing anything worth publishing. Sometimes we have good questions, sometime we don’t, and sometimes we come up with things like Robyn’s Rant just to make sure we have content. This is different. This man reached out … Continue reading →

He Says: Throw ‘Em To The Wolves

Dear Dealing With The Douchebags; This is exactly why I don’t have parties in my place. There’s always some douchebag. Usually somebody you thought was your friend. That’s how they got to your party in the first place. It’s like before the interwebz came along when you assumed that your friends were smart enough to know the difference between their, they’re, and there. Now thanks to an excessive amount of time on Facebook you know that they don’t. Yes, your … Continue reading →

She Says: Make Them Make It Up To You

Dear Dealing with Douchbags, Let me get this straight, you are in trouble over a couple of wreaths? First of all, why would anyone want to steal wreaths? Were they special wreaths? Were they made of gold? Who steals wreaths? I guess your douchebag friends do, but, I do not think this situation was grounds to un-friend these friends of yours. There must have been more than this incident to declare your friends ex-friends.Can you get the wreaths back from … Continue reading →

Question of the Week: My Friends Stole From My Neighbors

Dear Robyn and Skippy; We had a small party on Friday night. That same night, the wreaths on our neighbor’s doors were stolen. We were sure none of our friends would ever have done anything like that. Four days of thinking and asking questions of various attendees, however, resulted in a confession. Aside from the fact it’s the kind of thing that could result in a non-renewed lease and put us out on our ass, we are so horrifyingly embarrassed. … Continue reading →

Confession Time!

Hello Ask Us Fort Collins readers!! Welcome to our new segment!!! Confessions!!!!!! This series will allow YOU to write in your confessions and WE will comment/respond/give advice. YOU can create a meme with Confession Bear and send it to us or WE will post your confession with a meme. Keep it short and sweet. You can write about ANYTHING!!! Did you have sex on your boss’s desk? Did you go through your roommates stuff while they were away and find … Continue reading →